The “Real” Me (minus the puppy face hahahah )
“Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge.” —PSALM 62:8
Today’s post is one from the heart and one that I just felt lead to write! I am a pretty private person when it comes to my personal life and feelings, but everyone has a day or week where everything just seems to be troubling or go WRONG (we are HUMAN after all!) I think that this day and time we all (including myself) live in fake realities partly because of the nature of social media and the fact that everyone’s lives seems to be PERFECT! I have touched on this subject a few times since blogging, but I don’t think it can be reiterated too much! There is a devotional that I have referenced a few times, that truly speaks to me every morning; Jesus Calling by Sarah Young. This devotional has really helped me through many happy and sad times alike and I wanted to let you all know about it and just how much some encouraging words in the morning before work can mean and help change your day! I try so hard to have my devotion every day and some days I do and some days I don’t make it happen, but the days that I do not something is always different and “off.”
I just wanted to take second today to veer completely off fashion and beauty to say that nothing is ever as glamorous, perfect or amazing as it may seem. Pictures and Instagram feeds can be slightly deceptive and it’s important to remember that the moments that are posted are typically highlight moments in someone’s life. I can personally tell you that behind every @maketodayahollyday Instagram post there are probably 30 images from the same shoot that just did not make the cut :/ (guilty). I think it is always important to take a step back and realize the important things in life like family, friends and spending quality time with those we love the most! At the end of the day, it is great to have a brand new dress, pair of shoes or whatever it may be, but those things are forever changing and what is great this week may not be next week, but the time we get with those around us, is something that we only have for a limited time and don’t need to take for granted. People ask me all the time, how fun is blogging and isn’t it so glamorous and I look at them and say, “It’s like anything, at the end of the day it is amazing and super fun at times but there are exhausting days where you just question everything!” I think that a lot of the celebrities and tabloids try to make us all think and feel that if we just do or have this certain thing THEN we will finally arrive and be happy, well unfortunately, this is the furthest thing from the truth! We all have GREAT days and exciting moments and then we ALL have terrible days where we just want to curl up on the couch and not see a soul, that’s part of life and I think that every once in a while it’s refreshing to hear someone else say that, so TODAY I am baring all and telling the truth about ME! I am a Christian and so I know without a shadow of a doubt, no matter what kind of day I am having Jesus Christ is there by my side and HE LOVES ME and HE LOVES YOU! Sometimes we ALL just need to HEAR that! So, to ALL of you amazing women you are ALL BEAUTIFUL and made in the IMAGE of GOD! YOU are BRAVE, STRONG & AMAZING! YOU can do ANYTHING and EVERYTHING YOU set your mind to! YOU are AWESOME!
Thank you to each and every one of you who follow along with my blog and journey! I am so thankful and grateful for each and every one of YOU! It’s because of YOUR support and love that I am where I am am TODAY! So I hope that whoever needed to hear these words today, that YOU know how special and wonderful YOU are to ME! Love you ALL!! Happy Monday amazing ladies!
Thank you shug, you are loved!
You’re the BEST Sue! Thank you for being so sweet <3
Thank you Amber!!! XOXOXO Holly
So inspiring Holly! You’ve always been such a sweet and inspirational lady! ?
Thank you so much Michelle! This means the world to me!
Beautifully worded and so true❤️
Thank you MAMA <3
Happy Monday, Holly & Go Girl!
Katelyn, Thank you so very much! You are the sweetest!!!
One of my favorite posts yet! XOXO
Thank you so much, Taylor that truly means the world to me! <3
You rock, Holly 😛
Kate, You’re the SWEETEST!!!! XOXOXO Holly
Such truth! I have to remind myself regularly that social media is the best parts of all our lives in order not to go into comparison mode. I love Jesus Calling! I have the app on my phone along with She Reads Truth (another good one). Have a good week babe!
Amy Ann
Straight A Style