Sara Logan Photography
Sail to Sable Spirit of the Season Dress (60% OFF Code: Holiday1760) / Valentino Pump / Valentino Dupe (AMAZING)
Today, I am a little sentimental thinking back about 2016! I don’t know if it is because I am getting older (28 to be exact ) but time surely does fly by! It’s so funny to me how as time goes on things and perspectives change so subtly that you don’t even realize it’s happening and then the things you used to care so much about maybe don’t mean as much anymore and focus shifts from situations to relationships and you realize how important those are! I hope some of this is making sense hahah I feel like I may be rambling. This year thinking back I realize how blessed I am to have such a loving husband, family and friends! I am so thankful each and every day for all of you, the ones that have believed in and supported me from the beginning and new friends! I love the blogging world and all of the doors it has opened for me to get to meet such amazing supportive men and women! I realized that although sometimes social media may be a distraction in so many ways, its biggest asset is its ability to connect all of us from all over the world! When we turn on the news the world can seem so awful, violent and cruel, but I have found that there are such amazing people with hearts so huge everywhere and I think it is so important to acknowledge this in a world that often seems grim!
2016 was a time of fun for me and my husband as we were able to do a little traveling to California along the Pacific Coast Highway, Vegas and numerous trips to Emerald Isle! I was able to accompany my sister on fast paced New York trips to help her with product development and photoshoots for her clothing line that will hit retailers in FEBRUARY (can’t wait to share it with you all!) My husband and I are renovating our house after 4 years and finally putting our touch on it, which feels so nice to do together! That’s one thing I would suggest to couples; to live in a space for a little while before making changes because although you want to do it immediately living in the space helps you realize what you like and dislike.
2016 had quite a few milestones: My little brother and sister in law along with my best friend, Jill announced they were both pregnant and due early 2017; I am beyond excited for both of them and how much our family is going to grow with two new little ones! My older brother proposed to his girlfriend and they are getting married in April! My little sister GOT MARRIED to her fiance of 2 years, Butch, and had a STUNNING CHRISTMAS WEDDING of which I was so honored to be the matron of honor for her and stand by her side on the biggest day of her life! I am loving this big crazy family we have going on now and 2017 is sure to be the best yet!
As far as resolutions go, I am not the kind to make them… That sounds so sad, I know… I do however want to list on INTENTIONS in the coming 2017:
- Read my Bible daily/pray
- Spend time with husband/family/friends
- Be in the moment more
- Blog consistently
- Stay Organized (I always do so well in January and then it kind of dips)
- Eat Clean (except for my sweets that I can not live without, nor want to live without
- Become tidier (I am not a dirty person, but I do have “organized” piles everywhere especially clothing so I want to do better)
- Stretch my dollar (I want to coupon and I just haven’t, but I know I am missing out)
- DRINK MORE WATER (my husband would probably say I can’t drink more due to the high volume of water bottles in my car, but you can never have too much)
- Travel to new places
- Cook more (my kitchen is being renovated so I have not cooked in months (not kidding) and I love it when I do)
I know none of these are groundbreaking intentions, but they are ones that I am hoping to continue in the pursuit of in 2017. Thank you all so much for 2016 and for your love and support! I am so grateful for each and every one of you and what you mean to me! You are all rockstars and so amazing, I hope YOU know that! What are your 2017 intentions?!? I would love to hear! I hope you all have a FANTASTIC NEW YEARS Weekend! I am so excited to have a great dinner with amazing friends and my husband to ring it in! LETS MAKE 2017 THE BEST YET!! Lots of love to you all! XOXOXO
Love your goals for 2017! Can’t wait to see what’s in store for you! xx, I’m Fixin’ To
Meghan, You are the sweetest ever! I think 2017 will be the best yet for YOU! Thanks for always being so sweet! XOXOXOXO Holly
Holly I truly enjoy your blog. My sister got me into it and I look forward to it whenever it comes it. Continue your blogging and Happy New Year ???
This means the world to me! You are the sweetest ever! I can’t tell you how much this means to me! Thank you!! Happy New Year!! XOXOXO Holly