Wow! I honestly don’t know where 2018 went! I say this every year but this year it really FLEW! This was by far my favorite year yet!! As many of you know, my husband and I suffered two miscarriages in 2017 and it was the darkest/hardest time in our lives! After experiencing such loss, the Lord answered our prayers and desires for a child and blessed us with our son, Brayden, this year in June and he has been the greatest blessing of my life! The love I have for my husband and son is indescribeable and I have never felt more like I have a purpose in life! Before my son I spent tons of extra time really being hard and pushing myself in work and I loved it, but I also realized after he was born that those precious moments with him are answered prayer and I am so blessed to have him and work is so important, but also has a place and it comes after him and my family.
I am so grateful to all of YOU who have followed along with my since day 1! I am so thankful for each of you! You all have believed in me even on days when it was hard to believe in myself and I am beyond grateful! I could not do what I do every day if you all had not supported me, so THANK YOU! Also, thank you for staying with my through our life transitions! The past few years have been a whirlwind with some INCREDIBLE moments as well as some of the lowest moments in my life and you all have been so supportive the ENTIRE WAY! Thank you from the bottom of my heart! Love all of you (seriously!)
Resolutions… As far as resolutions go I am not one to make them… I do however need to learn to give myself a break! I push myself so hard both mentally and physically to be SUPER MOM! I pushed myself to get back into my pre-pregnancy clothes after Brayden, to not allow my blog to falter after having him and while I was able to do both to some degree I realize it was unnecessary pressure on myself and I should have given myself more grace! It was so hard after he was born to find ‘my place!’ I don’t know if any of you also experienced this, but you go from pre-baby being ‘selfish’ with your time to not even considering yourself after having a baby! There is nothing else like being the only source of love, comfort and food for your child and knowing this little tiny being is so dependent on YOU (it’s amazing!)! It is both the best and scariest feeling in the world! The first 3 months felt like a FOG or HAZE, the best moments EVER, but also the HARDEST! Everything you knew to be normal is only a distant memory and your new normal sets in leaving you feeling out of sorts in many ways! I also want to make it clear there is nothing I would rather do, but I also feel it’s important to mention the emotions that may come and it’s totally normal!
A day ago I would have said my resolutions were to cut sugar (I am addicted), work out at least 3 times a week and introduce new content to the blog (I want to do makeup tutorials 🙂 ). I still want to do all of the above, but today I want to say my New Years Resolutions are to practice self love and be present with my family. My goal this year is to watch my son grow and teach him as much as I can! I also want to spend time with my husband and enjoy traveling again! I did not travel while I was pregnant and I am itching to go somewhere! I am looking so forward to 2019 and what it may hold!
2018 was THE BEST YEAR YET and 2019 is going to be EVEN BETTER watching our little man continue to GROW! What are your resolutions? Do you make them? I hope you all will have the best year yet!
Love you all so much and can’t wait to spend 2019 with you all through the blog! If there is anything you all would love to see this year, please let me know! I want my content to meet your needs, that’s why I am here 🙂 Cheers to our best years yet! XOXO