Amazon dress (so comfy! Wearing a medium for the bump! Runs TTS!)

NESTING is REAL ya’ll! Today on the blog I wanted to share my recent pantry refresh! It’s not 100% complete, but I feel so much better after doing it! My husband’s birthday is this coming Sunday and he LOVES tidy neat spaces (as do I when I get a chance to actually clean them out) so I thought for his birthday he would enjoy me actually getting our pantry IN ORDER! We are also about to have more guests in our home over Fall to help with baby girls arrival so I wanted to make sure anyone could find what they wanted in my pantry! I polled you all on Instagram and it was UNANIMOUS that The Container Store was where to go to get organizational tools and bins for your home! I went this week and I have to say, it’s my new favorite home store! Also, if you take a little nudging (like me) to get started on organizational projects in your home just walk in this store and I promise, you will want to re-do your whole home/space! I could have stayed in there for hours (had I not had a two year old who was trying to escape the basket the entire time). I bought what I considered as basics and LOVE how it turned out! I kept every single bin/piece that I purchased and honestly wish they had more of certain baskets, but they were sold out so maybe order online š
I had so many of you reach out via DM when I shared I was doing the overhaul because you wanted me to share what I got so I figured a quick blog post with shoppable links may be the easiest! Also, never hesitate to reach out if you have questions I am always here to answer or send a link to something!

Kitchen Plaque (Use code WEB20 for 20% OFF!)| Clear

3 Medium size Hyacinth Braided Baskets (these come in a few sizes and the medium was perfect for the width of a box of cereal for size reference!) Clear All Purpose Bin (what my chips and cookies are in above the baskets!) | OXO Pop Top Container (what pasta is in beside bread box!)

Medium Hyacinth Braided Basket

Bread Box (Use code: WEB20 for 20% OFF!)

Divided Lazy Suzan (perfect for oils, dressings or items you need to be able to grab quickly!) Clear Kitchen Divided Bin

Expandable Pantry Shelf & Spice Organizer (LOVE this so much for seeing my cans and spices!) I got two of these!
Shop My Pantry Here: